Thank you for helping make my daughter’s birthday so special! She had her friends over and they enjoyed making the pop tarts together. It was a big hit! We have been loving these kits for a year now and one is more fun than the next! We’re big fans of this truly incredible company!
We recently made the astronaut cookies and had a “blast” doing it. My kids loved being able to do most of the baking and absolutely loved decorating and eating them. THEY ARE SO TASTY! Being able to do this with my kids just makes my momma heart so happy.
My daughter got a subscription for her 9th birthday! She could not be more excited! She made the spider web cupcakes all by herself for her sleep over party! They were delicious! She was so proud of her work, thanks to you for making it kid and GF friendly!! Thank you for making her feel normalđź’“
We love our Little GF Chefs kits! Packaging, instructions, taste, ingredients, family fun…everything!!! Not only cooking, but fine gross motor skills! It’s amazing!

We’ve been doing your kits since November and she LOVES them! Thank you!!! Eating different foods than her friends was a hard change for a little girl, but your kits have made it better for her.